Sunday 19 February 2012

The Narrative of our film The Contract
I thought that for our film we would come up with a new twist of Mafia films with the concentration not on the Don or Godfather but with the concentration on the contractor the (Soldier the official rank in the Mafia) it is his job to do the dirty work such as the middle man in a drug operation or killing a chosen target.
This new twist means that we can give our audience something that they haven't seen in typical Mafia films. The 2 minutes we will show will introduce our charter the Soldier and him going to pick up his contract from the "Underboss" him picking this up from the Underboss shows the realistic transaction the Soldier goes though when picking up the contract. The point of us showing this is to show the attitudes and the emotions going though the Mafia members when picking up the contract.
If we where to show the whole movie we would convey the Soldier rising though the ranks and show what he has to do to make the ultimate promotions of Don we will show the contrast in Mafia gongs to there rivals using different scenery and camera angles to complement the dominance and then the hire hireachy of the ranks in the Mafia.
This narrative will provide a original plot and view of the mafia because it shows how to get though the ranks. Also because it is a gangster film it should be shown in a dark and more explicit view so making it an 15 or even and 18 will be out target audience because of the mature understanding needed to follow.Mafia-Family-Rank.jpg

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