Thursday 26 April 2012


When making our story boards we need to take into account the fact that some can get hurt ether actin or filming. In order to prevent this from happening before taking our shots and finalizing the shot we went and investigated if there were any problems . A big problem for us was when filming outside in front of the gate was that nobody came outside with a car but lucky this was avoided .


Because a lot of our shots were outside we had to make sure that we didn't shoot with one day in the snow and the next in the sun. We spent around 3 lessons on each scene getting as many shots as we can and making it them as good as we can. Like i said early the weather is a big factor so constant check of the forecast was needed to make sure that we make the most of the weather. Also with the use of extra we had to fit our schedule with there in order for them to help.

Mise en Scene

Mafia Soldier

For the setting unlike a Don I don't think the Under boss will met up with his clients in his house so i think if we set in the back of a strip club or a club/bar this would add a more wavering atmosphere when he is collecting. Or maybe out the back of the factory because from the PS3 game Mafia 3 sometimes he picks up he contracts from out the back of a factory. This would also help set the year of the film easier thus creating a better view of that time period of the 1970-80's 

Looking at the costume and setting of our film
Looking at relevant films like the Godfather and Scarface it shows that people like the soldier don't really wear suits they tend to wear leather jackets and jeans this is because they are doing all the ruff work so there for it is important for the actors playing the soldiers that they are wearing the correct uniform fit.


For the Under boss I think it would be best if he were to wear a suit this is so he shows he rankings in better fit then him wearing casual clothing.
Costume for the soldier would wear

Location Shots